Twin Cities Veg Fest is happening on this coming Sunday, September 28, 10:00am – 4:00pm at Coffman Memorial Union at the University of Minnesota. This festival is truly for everyone. Sharing the wonders of all things vegan, we welcome not only those who consider themselves vegan or vegetarian but also (and most enthusiastically!) omnivores.
The festival is free and designed to be fun. We want as many people to be there and to experience how choosing vegan food doesn’t have to mean depriving one’s self of nourishing sustenance, sensory pleasures, or a joyful community. We have all of those things in a big way, as the festival goes to show.
We are offering an array of activities at the event, and attendees can pick and choose what they’d like to experience. Choose from:
- Food, food, and more vegan food, either free samples or larger meals for purchase.
- Cooking demos geared for those new to vegan cooking, with foods likely to appeal to the omnivore palette.
- Speaker presentations ranging from information nutrition basics to harrowing stories from a former factory farm investigator.
- Numerous exhibitors, all representing like-minded organizations and companies.
- Pay-per-view. Watch a five-minute video about factory farming in exchange for a dollar.
- And more!
Our most recent edition of our monthly podcast Exploring Veg reveals how one omnivore enjoyed last year’s event. In fact, she now considers herself a devotee of the nondairy cheese from Punk Rawk Labs, a local company who was a big hit at last year’s event and will be exhibiting again this year.
Remember, Twin Cities Veg Fest is free to attend! If you’re veg, bring your omnivore friends and family. They’ll be welcomed and have much to explore. If you’re omnivore, please join us and discover some wonderful new options, some of the ways to expand your diet to include more plant-based foods. All of us can come together at Twin Cities Veg Fest to discover and appreciate how varied and vibrant our compassionate community can be.