J.T. is one of our social media volunteers. He manages the private Facebook group for people who are taking (or have taken) the Explore Veg Challenge, the 21-day challenge to try veg eating. Find out why J.T. supports Compassionate Action for Animals and discover what inspires him to follow a vegan lifestyle.

How did you get involved with CAA?
I’ve been vegan for 14 years but I wanted to do more to help animals. I knew CAA was an organization devoted to exactly that so I emailed asking how I could get involved.
Tell us about how you volunteer for CAA.
I periodically lend audio equipment to CAA for events (speakers, mics, etc), and I help facilitate discussion in CAA’s “Explore Veg Challenge” group on Facebook. I also stand ready to help out with any random tasks that might arise.
What do you love most about volunteering?
It feels good to spend some of my time in the service of those that cannot speak for themselves.
When you are not working on CAA stuff, what do you do?
I’m a musician and event organizer. I teach private piano/guitar lessons, perform shows, and curate a weekly OpenMic (all in virtual form, presently). I am obsessed with baseball, movies, and animals. I spend tons of time with my wife Bonnie, our cats Maeby and Bertie, and our dog Margo.
What advice would you give to new vegans?
Everything is hard at first. Walking was hard at some point. But soon enough it’s something that requires no extra effort. And it’s so worth it. Veganism is without question the decision I’m most proud of. Three times a day you’re voting for compassion instead of violence. The ripple effects have real significance for our health, the planet, and billions of voiceless creatures who deserve better.