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Volunteer of the Month: Kimisha Collins
If you've participated in one of our many leafleting events, you've probably met Kimisha Collins. Growing up, Kimisha has always been an advocate for the rights of others. In 2008 she became interested in animal rights. By 2009 Kimisha adopted a vegan diet and was looking for more ways to get active within the movement. Dylan Mulenberg, an active CAA volunteer, told her about CAA. Kimisha has been active with CAA in many areas but most recently she has become the Leafleting Co-Coordinator. Kimisha enjoys volunteering with CAA for many reasons, "most of all though, I love to know that I am making a positive impact in something I am so passionate about."
In her down time, Kimisha likes to spend time with friends and family, read, try out new recipes, bike, explore the great outdoors, play instruments, and sing. Kimisha is also an active volunteer with the organization Feed My Starving Children.
Make sure to say hello to Kimisha at the next leafleting event or CAA gathering!
Here Comes… VegMonth!
Move over VegWeek because VegMonth is coming to town! Over the past 6 years CAA has participated in a week long celebration of all things Veg. This year we have decided to take it to the next level and celebrate over the entire month of October. Our kick-off is the wonderful World of Veg Tasting Event on Friday, October 1st. The event runs from 7pm-9pm and is located at University Baptist Church in Minneapolis. There is a small cost of $5 at the door which covers the cost of food.
Next we will be touring the Chicken Run Rescue Sanctuary in Northeast Minneapolis on Sunday, October 3rd. If you are interested in this event, please contact Anne for more information.
We will be having two Vegan After Dark events during VegMonth. Our first, on Saturday, October 9th, will take place at Jasmine 26 and goes from 8pm-close.
On Tuesday, October 12th we will have an Intro to Veganism cooking class. The class will be held at Van Cleve Community Center in Minneapolis at 7pm. The cost of the class is $10. Seats are limited so make sure to RSVP with Kelly!
We will be welcoming celebrity vegan chef Isa Chandra Moskowitz on Wednesday, October 13th. Isa will be demonstrating a few recipes as well as signing books after the event. The event is at Coffman Memorial Theater at 7:30pm.
On Sunday, September 17th we will have a dine-out at Evergreen in Minneapolis. Evergreen has a wide selection of vegan and vegetarian options, great for those who have pledged to be veg for the month! The dine-out starts at 7pm. To RSVP or for more info please visit Meetup.
On Thursday, October 21st at 7pm we are hosting a panel on Judaism and animals. The panel will be held at Harriet Church in Minneapolis. For more info regarding this event, please contact Sarah.
There is even more happening throughout the month. Check out for a full list of events and don't forget to take the pledge!