Tuesday, November 15, 2022
6:30pm - 7:30pm
The cookbook selection for November is The Korean Vegan by Joanne Lee Molinaro.
This New York Times bestselling cookbook has received lots of rave reviews. It’s a James Beard Award winner that was named one of the best cookbooks of the year. The author, Joanne Lee Molinaro includes her favorite Korean dishes, some traditional and some reimagined.
We have selected five dishes/sauces for our discussion. Download the recipes below. Try making one or more of the recipes then come to share and discuss what you thought about them with the group.
The Vegan Recipe Club is for everyone—those curious about vegan cooking and those more experienced with it. The club explores plant-based recipes created by cooks of varying cultures and nationalities and cookbooks are suitable for the novice to experienced cook.
This club aims to feature recipes that are great tasting and support the health of participants. It’s a chance to build community with others interested in vegan cooking. Best of all, these meals also help the animals and the environment!
In the month prior to the Vegan Recipe Club Meeting, you can download the recipes for free from the bottom of this page. You can also pick them up at East Lake Library, 2727 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Printed recipe packets are available at the library’s Safe Pick-Up Station. Simply check in with the greeter and ask for the Vegan Recipe Club packet. If you would like contactless pick-up, please call the library during open hours and request curbside service.
In the recipe club this month we will discuss these recipes:
The Korean Vegan by Joanne Lee Molinaro.
- Baechu Kimchi (Napa Cabbage Kimchi) – pg 117;
- Persimmon Puree – pg 285
- Gochugaro – pg 28
Fennel Doenjang Guk (Fermented Soybean Soup) – pg 151
Doenjang – pg 25;
Bulgogi (Grilled Steak (Butler Soy Curls)) – pg 235
Omma’s Korean BBQ Sauce – pg 45
- Mushroom Dashi – pg 39
- “Fishy” Sauce – pg 47
- Dashima – pg 29; (Alternatives: Soy Sauce, Tamari (GF), Coconut
- Aminos or “Tofuna Fysh” Brand Fish Sauce)
Other recipes of interest but not included in this package: Dooboo Jorim (Braised Tofu); Bulgogi Melt, Spicy Doenjang Chigae (Fermented Soybean Stew), Spicy Soy Sauce Dressing, Spicy Gochujang Dressing, Paht (Sweet Red Bean) Marble Cake, and Cardamom Lemon Madeleines.
Download November Recipes here.
Facilitated by Henry Patterson of Compassionate Action for Animals.
View additional information and previous recipes here.
Topic: Vegan Recipe Club
Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 6:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 859 2611 3908 Passcode: 889140