Tuesday, March 4, 2014
6:00pm - 7:30pm
The Bulldog Northeast
Let’s get together with animal protection activists to celebrate our efforts and get updates on our campaigns!
We’re all doing important work in advocating for animals, and we’d like to bring movement leaders together to build relationships, understand the work of the different organizations, and have stronger connections. It’s important for us to know which organizations are involving which groups of people (e.g. children, seniors) in which geographic areas (e.g. suburbs, city, across Minnesota), what specific issues we’re working on (e.g. farm animals, companion animals). If we can have a better understanding of the animal advocacy scene, we can figure out where we fit in, and collaborate when and where it makes sense.
This is organized for the leadership of animal advocacy organizations, but it is not exclusive. If anybody is interested in coming, they are welcome.
The Bulldog Northeast is a vegan-friendly bar with vegan hot dogs and more! Check out their vegetarian menu items. We will be meeting in a separate room in the back.