Saturday, August 27, 2016
5:30pm - 8:30pm
The home of Heather and Eric

State Fair food © Kathy
Licensed under CC BY 2.0
Dreams do come true! We’re veganizing the Minnesota State Fair…well, sort of. What we’re really doing is inviting you to join us at the home of Heather and Eric in Eagan and bring a vegan dish inspired by what you might find at the Minnesota State Fair.
Not sure what to bring? Check out this list of vegan food options that can be found at the fair. But you’re also more than welcome to veganize something that’s NOT vegan at the fair. And that’s where it could really get fun. Vegan deep-fried Twinkies, anyone? (Don’t you wish!)
We’ll also have access to a pool, so feel free to bring your swimsuit and towel and sunblock and take a dip if you please.
Heather and Eric live in an apartment complex. We’ll be meeting for the potluck in their downstairs community room with easy access to a lovely backyard area and pool.
RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin at [email protected]. And contact Justin if you can volunteer to help out with setup or cleanup or carpool.
We hope to see you there!