Tuesday, December 27, 2016
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Powderhorn Recreation Center

Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
You’re invited to join us for an evening of holiday fun, vegan food, and well-wishes at the Powderhorn Park Recreation Center. Not only is this a celebratory potluck, but it’s also a farewell party for our outgoing executive director, Unny Nambudiripad. Join us as we say goodbye to Unny and welcome our new executive director, Laura Matanah.
CAA will provide the dessert (vegan cupcakes!), and you’re invited to bring a vegan dish to share. Please bring a savory side dish, salad, or entree. Compostable dishware and utensils will be provided, though you are welcome to bring your own. Please also bring a list of ingredients for your dish.
RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin at [email protected]. You may also contact Justin if you’d like to volunteer to help with setup or cleanup.