Thursday, November 17, 2022

On Thursday, November 17 at 6pm the CAA Duluth Chapter’s Vegan Cooking Group will host a FriendsGiving celebration. Bring a plant-based dish to share that fits a Thanksgiving theme.
All are welcome! We are a veg-friendly, non-judgmental group.
Please RSVP via the FB event Duluth Vegan Friendsgiving Event Page. This will give us the opportunity to have all info, responses, etc. in one place. Don’t use Facebook? You can also contact [email protected].
To accommodate more people for this special event, it will be at Salem Covenant Church, 339 N 59th Ave. W Duluth. There is plenty of room to bring a friends and family!
Please click on the event link above for all the details. Also, please comment on the post or let me know what you plan on bringing so we can have variety.
For possible ideas you can go to: There are also lots of recipes you would find with an internet search or at your library. Plant-based/vegan dishes wouldn’t have meat, milk, eggs, butter, cheese, or honey.
This event is sponsored by CAA’s Duluth chapter.