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Saturday, September 7, 2019
10:30am - 12:00pm
Rosemount Middle School

Would you like to be confident in your first aid skills in case of an emergency? Or do you need CPR or First Aid certification for your job?
To ensure we have enough trained help at Twin Cities Veg Fest Rae Hermeier, proud provider of American Red Cross First Aid, CPR and AED Training, has generously offered to teach a deeply discounted class!
To become certified you will need to complete 2-3 hours of online coursework (must be completed BEFORE the in-person skills session), and attend the in-person session on September 7 at Rosemount Middle School. Certifications are good for two years to the date, and you will be given a certificate upon completion of the course.
The course fee is $50, and proceeds are shared between the American Red Cross and Twin Cities Veg Fest.
To register or ask questions please email Rae Hermeier. She will provide you with access to the online course and payment information. Please note: We can only accept up to 10 participants in the class, so those who are planning to volunteer at Twin Cities Veg Fest will be considered for the class before others.
By the way, if you volunteer at the festival, you’ll also get a free ticket to Veg Island Jam-The Official Twin Cities Veg Fest After-Party!