Vegan Pizza & Poster Against Target’s Battery Cage Policy

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Sunday, August 11, 2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm

Pizza Luce

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Join us August 11 for a free vegan dinner from Downtown Mpls Pizza Luce 119 N 4th St. We’ll then circulate to hang up posters about Target’s failure to keep their promise to transition away from eggs laid by battery-caged hens.

People sitting around a table smiling at the camera.
A previous dine-out at Heal Mpls

Target is headquartered in Minnesota. In 2016, they promised to transition away from selling eggs laid by hens confined in battery cages by 2025. While 2025 is just months away, 40% of the eggs Target sells are still laid by hens in battery cages. When confronted with consumer concerns, Target has remained silent.

Please RSVP to save your dinner and postering spot here.

We will order several pizzas to share. If you have dietary needs (e.g., gluten-free), please contact [email protected] so we can be sure to order food you can eat! Bring a Tupperware in case there are leftovers. Everyone is welcome to attend the event and help in the fight against battery cages.

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