Friends of the Flock: A Rescue Workday

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Sunday, July 9, 2023
10:00am - 2:30pm

Chicken Run Rescue

Space is limited. Please reserve your volunteer spot through this link!

Minnesota is full of neglected and unwanted chickens, and sooner or later you may need to help one. We want you to know what to do!

Chicken Run Rescue provides a forever home for dozens of formerly abused, unwanted, and neglected chickens. This beautiful space is created with a mind to chicken and human co-habitation. During the workday, we’ll learn more about the residents and their stories, see how the space is set up for their comfort, safety and pleasure, and do some work around the rescue.  After  the  workday, we’ll  have  a potluck  picnic  and  talk  about  ways  to  foster  respect  for  chickens.

The Workday 

We will gather at ten a.m. for a brief meditation in front of the rescue. After our opening circle, we’ll split up into groups. Tasks may vary based on the weather. These are some of the things we’ll be doing:

  • learning how to approach, pick up and hold a chicken
  • practice learning their names and identifying them
  • learning their likes and dislikes
  • distributing food, water and treats
  • watching and learning how birds with special needs are hand fed and take daily medicine
  • learning how to set up a rescued bird for temporary care
  • learning how to assemble/dismantle a safe outdoor area for a bird
  • deep-cleaning the bird rooms rooms and power washing roosts and pens and bird furnishings
  • bushwhacking invasive vegetation in the yard
  • raking and mulching outdoor areas
  • painting

After the workday, at around 2pm, we’ll have a potluck picnic lunch together outside at the rescue. The birds will join us. CAA will provide veggie pot pie as the main dish. Please bring a vegan dish, side, dessert, or snack to share with the group.

What to Bring

Out of respect for the residents and for all animals, please do not bring, eat, or wear any animal products (egg, dairy, meat, leather, etc) onsite.

Please take precautions to ensure that none of us spread HPAI (avian flu) or COVID:

  • Wear freshly laundered clothes and cleaned shoes. Take extra care if you have chickens or other birds at home.
  • Plan to disinfect your shoes or put on disposable booties at entry points. CRR supplies booties and disinfectant.
  • Plan to wear a mask while indoors. CRR can supply masks.
  • Don’t come if you are sick or experiencing symptoms in any way (sore throat or runny nose or cough or fever, etc).
  • Don’t come if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid.

Dress as you would for yard work, in sturdy clothes you don’t mind getting messy. Mosquitos and ticks are sometimes present; there will be repellent available.

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