March Dine Out: Triple Rock Brunch

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Sunday, March 8, 2015
11:00am - 1:00pm

Triple Rock Social Club

Join us on Sunday, March 8 from 11:00am to 1:00pm for brunch at Triple Rock Social Club, a diner with lots of delicious vegan brunch options. This is the ultimate comfort food: tofu scrambler, pancakes, French toast, and even vegan “pigs in a blanket.” Wow, options galore!

Daylight savings time begins that day, so don’t forget to set your clocks forward the night before. We’ll get one hour less that night, but you can roll out of bed a little later and join us for some vegan pancakes. Yum!

RSVP on the Facebook event page or send an email to Justin Leaf at [email protected]. And bring friends! These monthly dine outs are a great way to show our loved ones that vegan dining options abound in the Twin Cities.

We hope to see you there for some good food and good times.



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