Monday, June 6, 2022
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Come stuff leaflets and enjoy plant-based pizza from Parkway Pizza! This prep work helps CAA run video outreach at Pride later this June.
If you’ll be volunteering at Pride this year, stay afterwards from 7-7:30 for our video outreach training. This is not required — all are welcome to come just for leaflet-stuffing from 6 until 7.
Please RSVP at the Facebook event (or email [email protected]) so we can ensure we have enough pizza for everyone. It would be great if you can come early or stay late to help set up and clean up.
This event will be in CAA’s Minneapolis office — look for the sign that says “Healing at the Well”, then go past the ramp to the door with a CAA sign in it. There is one flight of stairs up to the office.