Seeds of Vandana Shiva film screening

Friday, November 18, 2022 - Sunday, November 20, 2022
All Day

Join us for a special free screening of this powerful film. Register to watch at using the code TSO-CAA and filling in CAA as the Institution. 

Then choose anytime from November 18 to 20 to watch! Invite your friends to join on our Facebook event.

Want to discuss the film with others? Join our  free discussion on Sunday, Nov. 20 from 4-5 pm on Zoom by clicking here. For details see our FB event:

The film is about how the willful daughter of a Himalayan forest conservator became Monsanto’s worst nightmare. The Seeds of Vandana Shiva tells the remarkable life story of Gandhian eco-activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, how she stood up to the corporate Goliaths of industrial agriculture, rose to prominence in the seed saving and organic food movements, and is inspiring an international crusade for change.

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva focuses on the people, circumstances and seminal events in Vandana’s life—what shaped her thinking and defined her purpose. It also shows how the battle against multinational agribusiness has become an international struggle between two visions for feeding the world: The first, a multinational corporate model of chemically dependent monoculture that rewards a capitalist imperative of profit and growth. And the other, ‘Earth Democracy, that honors ecology, biodiversity, sustainability and community—what Dr. Shiva demonstrates is the only way forward for the future of food.

After viewing the film, please take this survey from our funding partners at VegFund. 

We encourage you to consider a $5 donation to this organization at:

Thank you to CAA’s St. Cloud Chapter for organizing this event and the companion discussion!


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