ThanksLiving Vegan Potluck

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Saturday, November 18, 2023
12:30pm - 3:00pm

St Paul Student Center, North Star Ballroom

This November, we’ll gather together again to celebrate a vision of a more compassionate future where all animals (human and nonhuman) can thrive. Our ThanksLiving vegan potluck will be held at the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus in the North Star Ballroom on November 18. It will begin at 12:30 pm and end at 3p.m. (Be sure and come early for the best selection!). This free event is open to everyone. Bring your friends to join in the fun and experience tasty plant-based food!  

The Food 

Please bring a vegan dish to share (no meat, milk, eggs, butter, cheese, honey, or other animal products).  The following divisions are suggested to help ensure that we get a good variety of items:

  • If your last name begins with A through J, please bring a main dish or salad.
  • If your last name begins with K through R, please bring a side dish or appetizer (vegan mashed potatoes and gravy welcomed!)
  • If your last name begins with S through Z, please bring a dessert.

We’ve found that this naming schema works well for providing a good spread of food. However, if you have a prize recipe in a different category you’d really like to bring, feel free to do so! Looking for recipe ideas? Check out this list of 50 simple vegan Thanksgiving recipes. Please bring an ingredient list to place next to your dish on the serving table so that people who have allergies can check.

ThanksLiving is sponsored by the Herbivorous Butcher, and will feature their vegan turkey roasts and meatloaf in addition to the potluck!

The Event 

A snapshot of a corner of a room shows about twenty people sitting at round tables with red and yellow tablecloths.
ThanksLiving 2022

Aside from all the great food, ThanksLiving is a wonderful place to find support, connection, and information about vegan eating. There will be icebreaker cards at the tables to help you get to know others. When you complete the icebreaker form, you can use it to enter to win a raffle prize. There will also be information about vegan eating and a presentation about CAA.

Kids with an adult to supervise them are welcome. There will be a kid-centric table with coloring books available for them.

Many Thanksgiving events have been, and are, part of a narrative that celebrates colonialism and glosses over U.S. mistreatment of indigenous people. CAA uses this pre-existing holiday to gather as a community and imagine a better future, including one that respects indigenous peoples’ land rights and treaties. For this event, please consider using ingredients that are fairly sourced from indigenous communities and farmers. Check out the vegan options available at the local Indigenous Food Lab Market, such as wild rice and maple syrup. You can buy online or visit them in-person on Lake Street! 

Getting There

  • Plentiful car parking is available in the neighborhood around the Student Center. There are also paid parking slots on campus, though many tend to have time-limits.
  • The Center is on the 87 and 121 bus routes.
  • The event is on the second floor of the Student Center. You can either take an elevator or a single flight of stairs. 
  • More detailed parking and driving directions are available here

Keeping Everyone Safe  

  • If you are feeling ill (sore throat, or cough, etc), please help keep everyone safe by staying home to get well. We look forward to seeing you at a future event.
  • Please consult our Plant-Based Food Safety Guide and be sure to prepare your food hygienically and according to these guidelines. 


  • Interested in volunteering to help make this event happen? Sign up here. We’d love to have you!

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