Twin Cities Veg Fest Postering on Campus

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Saturday, September 1, 2018
1:00pm - 4:00pm

Plaza in front of Coffman Union

Join us for postering to promote the upcoming Twin Cities Veg Fest!

We’ll meet on the U of M campus by the Goldy Gopher statue in front of Coffman Union, send groups off to the West Bank part of campus, the Saint Paul campus, and Augsburg, and enjoy food at The Hard Times afterwards.

Sign up for this activity, and/or other postering sessions. There will be a variety of locations and themes throughout the month of August.

Want to get started sooner? Download and print one of our posters below and put them up near you!

8.5 x 11 Poster ’18_TCVF_v3

_No Crop Marks 11 x 17 Poster ’18_TCVF_v3

Handbills Cropped ’18_TCVF_v3 (1)

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