Twin Cities VegWeek 2021; Get 15% Off at Local Restaurants!

Sunday, April 18, 2021 - Sunday, April 25, 2021
All Day

Twin Cities VegWeek 2021 is Sunday, April 18 through Sunday, April 25!

At the heart of your VegWeek experience is the Explore Veg Challenge. It’s YOUR chance to try out more plant-based eating and become a better animal advocate!

Make a difference for the animals when you pledge to go veg!

Take the Challenge and Get 15% Off at Local Restaurants!

Sign up now to try 21 days of veg living and get 15% off at local businesses during VegWeek! If you’re already vegan, pledge to get at least two friends to take the challenge.

Soon after you sign up, you’ll get an email with a link to a Twin Cities Veg Week Discount card. The card entitles you to a 15% discount at all of these veg-friendly businesses once during VegWeek, April 16 to 25.

Get 15% off at local veg-friendly businesses when you sign up to take the Explore Veg Challenge!

Daily Support 

To make it fun and easy for you to stick to your pledge, we’ll be sending you an email every day with fun and motivating tips on vegan nutrition, meal planning, dining out, and more. Plus, you’ll get to hear inspiring stories about the animals you’re helping with your pledge.

Twin Cities VegWeek Events

Fabulous food awaits!

We’ll have events all week long to keep you exploring compassionate living in a variety of engaging ways.

We think the food, friends, and fun you discover during Twin Cities VegWeek will keep you coming back for more.

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