Monday, April 20, 2015
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Pizza Luce Seward

Licensed under CC BY 2.0
Our Veg Week activities begin with a celebration of Meatless Monday. This dine out at the Pizza Luce in the Seward neighborhood is sure to open your eyes to some of the very best vegan cuisine that the Twin Cities has to offer. From pizzas to sandwiches to spaghetti, vegan options abound at this popular pizza pub. You won’t be disappointed!
Beyond the food, there’s the company! You’ll get to hang out with other folks interested in farmed animal protection and vegan food. These dine outs are a great way to meet people.
Our reservation is limited to 20 guests. If you would like to attend, please RSVP on the Facebook event page or email Justin Leaf at [email protected].
If you would like to bus pool (or walk, if it’s nice out) from the University of Minnesota, please meet Tyler Tracy at 5:30 pm in Willey Hall at the road level, inside the doors.
This event is part of the Veg Week series of events. Take the Veg Pledge!