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Thursday, August 6, 2020
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Compassionate Action for Animals office
While 2020 has called for a shift in how we advocate for animals this year, that hasn’t stopped us from continuing this work online, and we are grateful to be doing this work with you! All volunteers are welcome to stop-by or drive-by the CAA office space on August 6 for a social distance hello and appreciation!
To help us plan how much food to order and adhere with MN Department of Health guidelines for gatherings, please RSVP for a stop-by time (if you plan to attend with a group, make sure that everyone is registered individually as coming on the signup) or select the drive-by time when you RSVP here. Available times are:
Stop-by (behind the office for a brief visit with staff and other volunteers and to pick up your goody bag!)
- 5-5:20pm
- 5:30-5:50pm
- 6-6:20pm
Drive-by (drive by to say hi and pick up your goody bag!)
- 6:30-7pm