A Prayer for Compassion Film Screening

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Thursday, November 21, 2019
5:30pm - 8:30pm

Hamline University

Join us for the Twin Cities premiere of A Prayer for Compassion! This will be a meaningful evening exploring the intersection of faith and care for animals.

General admission is $5. Student admission is free. Buy your ticket here.

We encourage you to share this event with members of your spiritual community and have the opportunity for free tabling for congregations. Here is more information on both options.

You can also invite friends on Facebook.

The screening will take place in the Klas Center, on Taylor Avenue. We’ll be on the top floor inside the Kay Fredericks Room. Please see this map.

Attendees will enjoy dinner from Holy Land Deli and watch A Prayer for Compassion, a feature-length documentary encouraging people of faith or spirituality to expand their circle of compassion to embrace all life.

After the film, we’ll engage in a discussion guided by a panel of local religious leaders, including representatives from the Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Jewish, and Christian traditions. The panel will be facilitated by Professor Mark Berkson.

This event is co-hosted by the Hamline University Religion Department, Hamline University Animal Rights Club, and the Temple of Aaron, and the screening is supported by VegFund.

Campus parking is available and the location is easily accessible via transit. For more information, please email [email protected].

A Prayer for Compassion (Theatrical Only) from Thomas Jackson on Vimeo.


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