Sunday, July 2, 2017
11:00am - 2:00pm
Minnehaha Park

Licensed under CC BY 2.0
CAA is teaming up with the Animal Rights Coalition for a celebratory vegan potluck picnic! Join us for an afternoon of fun and get to know others in our compassionate community. Find us in the Wabun D pavilion in Minnehaha Park
The Beyond Burger and all the fixin’s will be provided. Here’s what you can bring:
- If your last name begins with letters A-F: salad
- If your last name begins with letters G-L: side dish
- If your last name begins with letters M-S: dessert
- If your last name begins with letters T-Z: beverage
Be sure to make sure that whatever you bring is completely vegan (no meat, fish, dairy, eggs, or honey) and will provide at least 8 servings. Also, please bring an ingredient list out of consideration for those with food allergies and sensitivities.
Bring your omnivore friends, too! This is a great opportunity to introduce others to the awesomeness of vegan food and to our community. This family-friendly event will have games, door prizes, and more. We’ll hope you’ll join us!
RSVP on the Facebook event page and invite your friends.
Would you like to volunteer to help with grilling, setup, or cleanup? Sign up now!