Sunday, March 29, 2015
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Chateau Student Housing Co-op

Say hello to spring with our first community potluck of the season. Our monthly potluck for March will be held in the 18th floor lounge at the Chateau Student Housing Co-op in Dinkytown by the University of Minnesota on Sunday, March 29 from 1:00 to 3:00pm. The Chateau Student Housing Co-op are co-hosting this event.
Everyone is welcome! You don’t need to be vegan or vegetarian to attend. Just bring a vegan dish to share (no meat, fish, dairy, or eggs). Follow this link for more information about vegan diets and recipe ideas. Out of consideration for those with allergies or food sensitivities, please bring a list of ingredients for whatever dish you bring.
You’re welcome to bring friends. Please RSVP our Facebook event page or email Justin Leaf at [email protected].
Interested in helping with setup or cleanup for the event? Email Justin at [email protected].