Volunteer for the June cooking class at Van Cleve Community Center on Thursday, June 19 at 7:00pm. The theme is simple vegan Mexican food. Volunteer positions include the transporting of supplies to and from the CAA office, setup, welcome team, assistance for the instructor during the class, and cleanup.
Volunteer for the June Potluck and Bonfire at the home of Jennifer Swick in Roseville on Friday, June 27 at 6:30pm. The theme is “Fiesta!” Attendees will bring Latin American dishes. Volunteer positions include setup, maintenance during the event, washing dishes, and general cleanup.
If you’re interested in offering your time to help make either of these upcoming events a success, contact [email protected].
Outreach volunteer work involves talking to members of the general public about animal agriculture and the work of Compassionate Action for Animals. Volunteers should be friendly, knowledgeable about the issues and our mission, and comfortable interacting with strangers. Leafleting and tabling are both very effective forms of outreach.
Leaflet at Rock the Garden, a summer music festival at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden on Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22.
Table at the Minneapolis Pride Festival, a celebration of the LGBT community at Loring Park on Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29. At this event, volunteers will offer festival attendees one dollar to watch a five-minute segment of Mercy for Animals’ hard-hitting documentary “Farm to Fridge”.
If interested in volunteering at either of these outreach opportunities, contact [email protected].