What a Difference Community Makes!

The Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck

Experience the power of community at the 15th Annual Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck on Saturday, November 11 at Matthews Park.

Our annual Thanksgiving potluck is an opportunity to come together with other people who have an interest in helping farmed animals and enjoying vegan food.

Bring your friends and family! Whether omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan, all are welcome. Everyone is invited to bring a vegan dish to share and join in the fun.

For those of us who are vegan or moving in that direction, we can really benefit from the sense of community that this, our biggest potluck of the year, provides.

Studies have shown that recidivism (going back to eating animal products) is a real issue for our movement. Former vegetarians often comment that they were feeling isolated and missing community. That’s where CAA comes in!

We support people’s continued progress toward plant-based eating through a variety of programs centered around experiencing community. Our Thanksgiving potluck is a perfect example.

We hope you’ll join us and embrace the opportunity to make new friends in the compassionate community.

Also, if you feel inspired by this work, please consider making a contribution to our GiveMN campaign. Give today! Your gift will be doubled thanks to the generousity of an anonymous donor. We appreciate your support!

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