UMN Student Group Vegan Food Giveaway

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Friday, April 14, 2023
10:00am - 2:00pm

East Bank, University of Minnesota

Students give away vegan food to interested passers-by.

Distribute free vegan food samples at the University of Minnesota to show others just how tasty vegan food can be! We’ll be near the bridgehead on the East Bank. Volunteer slots are open: sign up now!

Food giveaways are fun and effective outreach programs. We especially need volunteers between 10am and 2pm, while the food is being distributed, but we could also use help before or after the event for setup or cleanup. If there is no more room in the signup, we would still love to see you! Just show up at whatever time works best for you!

This event is a kick-off for the Twin Cities Veg Week series of events from April 16-23. Pledge now to try veg eating for one week and get 15% off at local businesses!

This event is a program of the student chapter of CAA at the UMN, and is student services fee funded.

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