Welcome to Our New Website

New Website Front Page
New Website Front Page

As you might have noticed, Compassionate Action for Animals has just launched a new website design. We think this site has a clean, simple design that will make it much easier for people to find the content they’re interested in. The new website software we’re using also makes it much easier for volunteers to edit and update the site, which makes us happy.

We’d like to thank Brita Bengtson, Ashley Flitter, Jeff Johnson, Matt Mackall, and Jake Nath for their help while we worked on this site. We’d also like to thank Cali Mastny for helping us refine the design from our initial rough prototypes.

We have migrated some of the content from our old site, but not all of it. We will transfer more content over in the future. If there’s something you’re really missing, please let us know so we can prioritize bringing to the new site. And of course, if you find broken links, images, or anything else broken, please tell us so we can fix it.

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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Outreach with CAA at V-FEST

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Op-Eds for Animals Resource Group

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - Saturday, August 31, 2024

Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge