Have you wanted to reach out to friends and family to get them to join you in making a difference for animals, but haven’t been sure how to go about it? We’re here to help!
You can put together a successful fundraiser in 3 easy steps. Every $250 raised will help spare the lives of an estimated 293 animals!
1. Set up an online fundraiser in under 5 minutes
- Online fundraising page—We already have one set up for you! Click here to see it.
- A box will appear saying “Create a Fundraiser.” Click the green “Get Started” button.
- Next click “Build Your Fundraiser” (Don’t worry, it’s already built.)
- Then click “Okay” and you’ll see the fundraiser we’ve created for you.
- Click “duration” on the left menu. Set the end date for your fundraiser. Then choose “Publish.” (Of course, if you want to make other edits, you’re welcome to.)
- We’ll get an email letting us know you made the fundraiser. We’ll set up a match, as long as matching funds are available. If you need to contact us for any reason, you can email [email protected].
- Tip: It helps to make a gift of any size yourself before asking others.
- Tip: Setting up an online fundraiser can be done at any time, but you’ll be able to make the biggest difference for animals if you start two to three weeks ahead of your end date.
- Please be sure to thank each of your friends and family members who donate! You can customize the online fundraising page above with a thank you message and/or video. Social media, text, or email thank yous will also be appreciated.
2. Invite friends
- It’s important to invite friends with a direct personal message.
- Email/text/or direct message—Here’s a template to use:
Subject: Will you join me in making a difference for animals?
Dear Friend,
You know how much I care about animals. I’m writing to invite you to join me in protecting them by making a gift to Compassionate Action for Animals. (link this text to your online fundraiser).
The first $250 I raise will be matched by other supporters!
I’m doing this because…(fill in your reason here).
Thanks so much for helping me protect some of the most vulnerable beings in our world.
In friendship,
Your Name
3. Remind friends by posting on social media
- Images are important. Photos of you and animals are best to use. We also have animal images you can use below.
- Always include a link to your online fundraiser.
- If you created a fundraiser on Facebook, be sure to post both within the fundraiser and on your own page.
Sample text:
Join me in protecting animals by joining me in making a gift! (link)
I want to make a difference for animals like x (name of animal in your photo). You can help me by making a gift here (link)
I’m raising $250 that will help spare the lives of 293 animals. Please join me! (link)
Annabelle is a resident of Spring Farm Sanctuary -
Wilma is a resident of Spring Farm Sanctuary -
Willow is a resident of Farmaste Animal Sanctuary -
Otis is a resident of Farmaste Animal Sanctuary -
Martin is a resident of Little Acorn Sanctuary -
Mags is a resident of Farmaste Animal Sanctuary -
Gertie is a resident of Farmaste Animal Sanctuary -
George and Oliver are residents of SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary -
Cluckquin Phoenix is a resident of Anna Lake Sanctuary -
Amos is a resident of SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary -
Betty and Wilma are residents of Spring Farm Sanctuary