Great food and friends at CAA’s 2022 4th of July Picnic!

Over 70 people joined us for our annual 4th of July Vegan Picnic! Despite the rainy weather people gathered to share their culinary creations and try new dishes!

We had a table chock full of entrees, another with salads, one with gluten free options and perhaps most importantly a desert table! The food kept coming as people joined us throughout the day.

Many were at their first vegan meal! Others were long time vegans who loved to show off their creations. All reported having so much food they couldn’t fit it all—on their plate or in their stomach! The creativity was amazing! We even had “hard-boiled deviled eggs”—no hens involved!

It was a great chance to renew old friendships and make new friends. All people who share a common desire to explore a more compassionate way of eating.

In keeping with our other goal of environmental stewardship, the event used compostable plates and utensils. And many brought their own to be even more “green.”

If you attended the event we’d love your feedback here.

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