Fun, food and friendship highlight 25th Annual Banquet!

March 28, 2023

Over 80 people came together for the animals at Cultivating Compassion: CAA’s 25th Annual Banquet. Donors, matched by the Stray Dog Institute and an anonymous donor raised over $5,000 to move our work for animals forward. On top of it, the annual auction, which had its culmination at the banquet, reached 135% of its goal bringing $4,999! This support is critical as we work to bring plant-based food to schools and get 3,000 people to sign our petition for a factory farming moratorium in Minnesota.

The event was a wonderful opportunity to get spruced up and meet new like-minded friends! Highlights include the fantastic multi-course meal by Root to Rise Kitchen. Participants also enjoyed cakewalk (see a recipe from it below) and ring-toss games. Whether or not they won, participants had fun and raised extra money for the animals.

The event started with yummy appetizers made by our dedicated volunteers. Then over dinner we enjoyed the delightful classical guitar music of Maja Radovanlija. A short presentation by volunteers and donors Unny Nabudiripad, Darren Schweigert and Mitch Bermel highlighted the work for animals that donors make possible.

The auction ended during the banquet and winners got to take home their prizes that evening. Much thanks to the 55 organizations and individuals who donated to support our work. And to all those who bid to help support the animals.

Thanks also to the many volunteers who made the auction and Annual Banquet both successful and fun.

If you missed the banquet and auction (or want to kick in more) there is still a chance to support CAA. Go to and start a new monthly Circle of Care donation. Or up your current level. The 10x match from the Stray Dog Institute and an anonymous donor is on until the end of March!

Recipe from the Cake Walk prize: Boston Cream Pie

Boston Cream Pie made/donated by Hannah Milos for a Cake Walk prize!

Vanilla cake recipe:

Pastry Cream recipe:

Chocolate ganache recipe:

Wait until the cakes and pastry cream have cooled in the fridge and then assemble and top with ganache. You can use assembly instructions for any Boston cream pie recipe you find online.

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