Getting questions about your veg diet? Here’s how to answer

April 21, 2023

Today’s topic is fielding questions and comments about your food choices. Sometimes these come from genuine curiosity. Sometimes it feels like someone is challenging your choice.

Trent Nelson

Trent Nelson recommends, “Focus on the positive. Don’t worry about “winning” an argument… just tell your story.”

More suggestions from our community are below. And you can also hear from people firsthand! CAA is having a vegan potluck coming up on Sunday with a themed discussion of this topic. It will also be a great opportunity to test out some of those cooking skills you may have gained this week, plus you can taste the yummy vegan food brought by others. The potluck is Sunday, April 23 from 1-2:30 pm at our community space 2100 1st Ave S, Suite 200 – Minneapolis. 

One tip that may be helpful is to keep in mind when talking to others is the inspiration that got you started in the first place. Share that feeling with your friends and family—personal stories are powerful. You will probably find that most people want to be understanding as long as they aren’t feeling judged. 

There are also lots of resources to deepen your understanding of underlying issues. With them, down the road, you will be able to discuss issues in more depth. Tomorrow’s email will have even more!

Check out these tips from the community

  • “I have found that people do not react nearly as badly as I thought they would to me or other people being open, and so my main tip would be don’t be afraid of talking through things with people. I think it can be really helpful to talk it through with people in your life, even if you think/eat differently, because it stops it from being a weird thing setting you apart from them and helps you connect with them as a person.” Abbey Feola
  • Talk about what you’ve gained from it–an appreciation of new foods, or new community, or increased health. Talk about animal issues when people aren’t consuming them.” Laura Matanah
  • “Stay long on calm but short on ‘preachy’. Knowing that a vegan lifestyle is healthier for people and our planet, and kinder to animals, there really is no need to defend your choice to be vegan, but rather to share your knowledge in an inspiring way with others so that they better understand this choice, and come to see it as a viable option for themselves. Offer to share some of your food with them so they see how tasty it can be, and share the ingredients as well so they see it as a healthy way to eat.” Cari Lombardi

Thanks to our community members who shared their tips.

Much of this information was also shared in email form during April 2023 Veg Week.

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