Eight Organizations help you take action at CAA’s Documentary and Social Action night

April 8, 2024

On Sunday, April 14 from 3-6 pm CAA is hosting a free special Documentary and Social Action Night. The documentary we will view is the award-winning 2022 movie The Smell of Money. The film covers the harms suffered by local communities living alongside corporate “hog farms.” It delves into their legal fight for clean air, clean water, and a life free from the stench of manure.

After the screening, you’ll be able to connect with eight local organizations and chapters working on addressing environmental injustice, animal abuse, corporate power, structural racism, and other aspects related to the themes of the movie. Each organization will table to present information about their ongoing work. There will also be information on accessible steps you can take to get involved. 

Participating Organizations Will Focus on Information and Action

We are so excited to work with all of our partner organizations to present the film and social action night. Find out more information on each of these amazing groups below: 

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Minneapolis Chapter

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby Minneapolis Chapter (CCL) works together to get climate laws passed. They connect over shared concerns, build consensus, and work with elected officials from every party towards climate solutions. They will help you contact your representative about protecting eco-smart farm practices. 

The Climate Reality Project, Central MN Chapter

The Climate Reality Project, Central MN Chapter is a diverse group of  individuals who come together to solve “the greatest challenge of our time — Climate Change.”  This group is committed to building a sustainable future together. At this event, they will educate attendees on reducing meat consumption and exploring plant-based alternatives. 

Compassionate Action for Animals

Compassionate Action for Animals will be there to encourage people to take the Veg Pledge and sign a petition against intensive animal confinement in Minnesota. 

First Unitarian Society

The First Unitarian Society and its Active Voices group, UU Animal Action Team, and Climate Action Team are co-sponsoring the event. As such, the facility for the event has been made available at no cost, along with greeters.

NAACP Minneapolis

NAACP Minneapolis is the local branch of the NAACP — the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. It continues to fight for social justice including disparities in housing, education, economic development, and healthcare. It raises awareness to address the inequities that exist in vulnerable, marginalized, and disadvantaged communities. 

North Star Chapter of the Sierra Club

The North Star Chapter of the Sierra Club is the local group of The Sierra Club — America’s oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. They work through grassroots political action, pairing volunteer energy with full-time staff. The goal is to strategically address Minnesotans’ most pressing environmental issues and bring about community well-being.

PlantPure Communities

The mission of PlantPure Communities (PPC)  is to build stronger, healthier, and more sustainable communities. PPC offers programs, resources, and tools to empower community leaders. They help educate people about “evidence-based nutrition that shows that optimal health may be achieved through a whole food, plant-based diet.”  At this event, they will be inviting people to hear Dr. Jengyu Lai discuss plant-based diets the following weekend. 

Wholesome Minnesota

Jodi Gruhn, director of CAA’s Wholesome Minnesota program will be at the event. She will show you how you can assist in bringing plant-based meals to your school district. Wholesome MN’s mission is “to accelerate plant-based food offerings in Minnesota’s institutions and create a healthier community.” It helps Minnesota’s food service leaders create culturally inclusive, healthy, money-saving, and climate-friendly menus.  

The Smell of Money is a powerful documentary

“The smell of money”—that’s what Big Pork calls the stench of pig waste in the air in eastern North Carolina, where much of the world’s bacon and barbecue is made. But to Elsie Herring and others who live near the state’s giant pig factories, the revolting odor is a call to battle against generations of injustice.”

In Duplin County, North Carolina, pigs outnumber humans thirty to one. The award-winning 2022 movie The Smell of Money covers the harms suffered by local communities living alongside corporate “hog farms.” It delves into their legal fight for clean air, clean water, and a life free from the stench of manure. Check out a trailer here narrated by Senator Cory Booker. The shocking information in this movie is sure to inspire you to act to help improve the underlying problems. Here in Minnesota, pigs outnumber humans too, and this film is an inspiration for what we can do.

As one of those interviewed in the film says “It’s time for the village to stand up, step up and speak up.”  You can do that with us after you watch the film by visiting the tables of these eight organizations. Each one of them is working to address a related issue. They will inform you of their work and ways you can get involved.

The schedule of the event

This free event runs from 3 pm to 6 pm. The film will start at 3:30, but you can stop by early to start connecting with community organizations. You can continue visiting their tables after the film ends at 5 pm until the program ends at 6:00.  There will be light refreshments available during the tabling times.

  • Doors open at 3:00 pm to start connecting with community organizations.
  • The screening will run from 3:30-5:00 pm. 
  • You can continue connecting with the community organizations until 6 pm.

How you can you support this event and the causes

There are opportunities to support this work on the day of the event. Sign up here to help by taking photographs or assisting people in signing up for the Veg Pledge at CAA’s table. We love to have photographs of all our events, and use them to share with participants afterwards and for promotion of future events online or via social media. 

You can also help out by sharing this event with your friends and family. RSVP on Facebook or RSVP on MeetUp and then share the information on your social media. Invite friends to come with you so you can learn and take action together.

While at the event, be sure to visit each of the booths. You’ll find out a lot about the wonderful organizations doing important work in the community and beyond. You will also get tips on how to take steps yourself to help.

Why you should join us for the Documentary and Social Action Night

Attending CAA’s Documentary and Social Action Night during Veg Week is not only a chance to educate yourself about pressing issues but also an opportunity to connect with organizations actively working to make a difference. By participating, you’ll be taking a meaningful step towards creating positive change in our community and beyond. Together, we can amplify our impact and work towards a more compassionate and sustainable future.

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