2019 Vegan Chef Challenge Champion Recipe

Book Club's Green Curry Rice Bowl won last year's challange
Book Club was last year's Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge Champion with their Green Curry Rice Bowl

Couldn’t get enough of Book Club’s Green Thai Curry Rice Bowl during the Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge? You’re in luck! Book Club’s Chef Asher Miller adapted his winning dish for all who want to create this warming curry and enjoy it at home.

Let us know if you try your hand at making this dish! We’d love to know what you think.

Book Club’s Green Thai Curry Rice Bowl

Serves 4 people

Vegan Green Curry Sauce:

¼ cup Ginger, peeled and chopped
1 stalk lemongrass, smashed and chopped
¼ cup galangal root, peeled and chopped
2 Tbs peanut oil
1 tsp cumin, ground and toasted
¼ cup kaffir lime leaves, smashed
½ cup Thai basil, stalks and leaves
6 cups coconut milk
¼ cup vegan green curry paste
½ cup lime juice
2 Tbs sugar

1. Heat a saucepan and sweat ginger, lemongrass, and galangal in peanut oil until aromatic.
2. Add cumin, Thai basil, lime leaf, lime juice, coconut milk, and curry paste to the saucepan.
3. Bring everything to a boil and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Add in the sugar and stir to dissolve.
5. Remove from heat, steep for 20 minutes, and strain into a container or use immediately.

For the Dish:

1 shallot, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 Tbs peanut oil
1 block hard tofu, pressed to remove water, and diced into ½ inch cubes.
2 heads baby bok choy, bottom sliced off and leaves flaked out. Cut on a bias if they are quite large.
1 small carrot, peeled, cut on the bias into ¼ inch thick slices
1 cup fingerling potatoes, boiled, cooled, sliced ¼ inch slices
Crushed roasted peanuts, cilantro leaves and Thai basil leaves for garnish

1. Sautee the shallot and garlic in the peanut oil over medium-high heat until they begin to sizzle and take on color. 
2. Add the bok choy, carrot, fingerling potato and curry sauce. Simmer to heat through. 
3. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Then add the tofu and heat until everything is heated through. Do not reduce. 
4. Serve with rice if you wish and garnish with crushed peanuts, cilantro, and Thai basil leaves. 

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