CAA Board revises Core Values Statement

Ethical values are the cornerstone of Compassionate Action for Animals. A Core Values statement was originally created in 1998 and revised in 2017. The CAA Board of Directors revised it again in June 2022. As the organization has grown and evolved, it was important to review and update the value statement.

This new document outlines the values that guide Compassionate Action for Animals in all of its efforts. They fall into three categories: Ethical, Organizational and Strategic.

Ethical Values
We prioritize moral conduct in every step towards achieving our goals. Our mission, programs, and work style should always reflect the ethical values listed below.

  • Compassion for Animals
  • Ending Oppression
  • Nonviolence
  • Integrity

Our organizational values deal with those values which we believe are important to building a strong and cohesive organization capable of growing over time.

  • Egalitarianism
  • Approachability
  • Efficiency

Our strategic values are directives that help us decide what types of activism to pursue. Unlike the other two categories, we embrace these values because we believe that they make us more effective, and are willing to change them if we find that this is not the case.

  • Provide role models for change
  • Focus on factory farming
  • Focus on reducing consumption
  • Geographic Focus
  • Collaborative
  • Consider long-term as well as short-term goals

See the full of CAA’s Core values statement here.

We appreciate how you help us put these values into practice.

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