April 14, 2023
We’ll tackle a variety of issues in our blogs this week including: vegan nutrition, affordability, resources, and more. These practical emails will share input from members of our compassionate community about what’s useful to them. Here’s our first:

“Having connections with other vegans has been vital. For a long time I oscillated between being vegetarian and vegan. Having connections with other people making the same changes has made veganism sustainable” Abbey Feola
As Abbey says, connections with others are key. Join Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA) for one of our VegWeek events or an event in May. We have both in-person and virtual opportunities. You’ll get information and good food. And you’ll meet others who are part of our vibrant, supportive community–maybe even Abbey herself!
If you’re exploring more compassionate living, it’s a big deal! By committing yourself to vegetarian or vegan eating you are opening yourself up to a changed lifestyle. One that is better for the planet while sparing animals from lives of suffering, and can improve your health. And if you got here by referring friends, you took the next step in making a compassionate, sustainable, healthy future possible.
Wow! That’s a lot of benefit coming from one act. We wish we could say it was a simple one. It can be for some, but for most people it comes with challenges. Things are changing rapidly, especially in the Twin Cities. But we aren’t there yet. That’s why we will be sending you this one week series of emails. If you’re trying to move farther in a veg direction, we think you will probably want some tips and tricks to ease the transition. And no matter where you are on your veg journey, we think you’ll enjoy seeing the responses from community members at the bottom of each email.
Our first tip is to find your source of inspiration and hold it in your heart and mind with each meal. Is it your health? The health of the planet? The suffering of animals used for food? Or a mixture?
As one person shared when asked about their inspiration for eating vegan: “(Its) knowing how many animals are suffering, and seeing how much change we create by speaking up for them. I’m also inspired by creating relationships that bring healing to our whole community, including humans, through plant-based eating.”
Check out this community quote:
- “Animals are our fellow Earthlings and yet we human beings have a long history of using and abusing our fellow Earthlings for our own purposes without regard to their status as sentient beings with lives of their own. I believe it’s our responsibility to speak out against abuses against animals–because they rely on us to be their voice, and because it’s the right and just thing to do. Animals have brought me so much joy and comfort throughout my life, and I want to return the favor. I eat a plant-based diet because I value the lives of all animals and don’t want to contribute to their pain and suffering. As a side benefit, eating this way is better for our planet, and for our health as well!” Cari Lombardi
Thanks to those community members who stepped up to share their experiences and inspiration.
Much of this information was also shared in email form during April 2023 Veg Week.