Compassionate Action for Animals

Slideshow: 2021 ThanksLiving

This year’s ThanksLiving celebration was a multi-faceted affair! It included food pickup in the Twin Cities, groups dining together at the University of Minnesota and Macalester College, and a potluck in Saint Cloud — all brought together with a fun Zoom call for everybody. We’re grateful for everyone who showed up.

An extra special thanks to Insane Vegan for catering, Mary Bue and Thandisizwe Jackson Nisan for performing, and to our ThanksLiving volunteer committee for coordinating such a great day. Check out the ThanksLiving slideshow below to revisit the memories from our compassionate holiday event.

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Volunteer Shout-Out: Meet the ThanksLiving Planning Committee

If you attended any of the ThanksLiving activities last month, including our wonderful Zoom call with entertainment, this volunteer committee made it happen. From managing food pickup and delivery to figuring out all the details of the program and more, this delightful group of people flexed their coordination skills. Find out who they are and why they chose to get involved.

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Minneapolis community gardening activist Michael Chaney honored with Million Gardens Award

Michael Chaney

Michael Chaney of Project Sweetie Pie recently received national recognition with the Million Gardens Award. The award is part of the Million Gardens Movement, a nationwide project founded by Kimbal Musk (brother of Elon) as a way to educate and support millions of new gardeners to grow their own food.

Michael Chaney’s Project Sweetie Pie teaches north Minneapolis youth about gardening. The project also brings people together to help revitalize neighborhoods and provide healthy food for low-income communities.

The aim of this award is to inspire community gardens while empowering communities on practices of urban agriculture, healthy eating and the necessity of fresh foods in “food deserts.”

To honor this award and the work of Michael Chaney and Project Sweetie Pie, a community celebration was held in north Minneapolis on September 25 with artists, vendors and family in attendance. This event was held at one of the many gardens that are managed and cared for by Project Sweetie Pie — gardens that have been cultivated in vacant lots owned by the City of Minneapolis.

In attendance also was City Of Minneapolis Director of Sustainability, Kim Havey, who on behalf of Mayor Frey and his office created a proclamation declaring September 25, 2021, as the Million Gardens Movement ultimate garden party day in the city of Minneapolis.

Volunteer Shout-Out: Yosan, Pallavi and Karla — the Macalester CAA leadership team

CAA is going strong at Macalester College in St. Paul, thanks to the drive and leadership of passionate student volunteers. Mac CAA works to encourage fellow students, the campus community and the larger community to make plant-based food a priority. Yosan Worota, Pallavi Shoroff, and Karla Moreno Polanco head up this group, which is just shy of its first-year anniversary. Read on to find out more about them.

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Terrell Woods, aka Carnage The Executioner, is the 2021 Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award Winner

We’re pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 Kenny Feldman Animal Advocate Award. We’ve created this award to recognize a person, organization, or business in our community whose amazing work is pushing the ball forward for animals. This year we’re giving the award to Terrell Woods, aka Carnage The Executioner.

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