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Five local chefs vie for the title of best chili in the 13th annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off
January 29. 2024
Some of the Cities’ top vegan chefs will be competing in the 13th Annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off. Join us on February 3 to sample their tasty chilis and rate them to help crown the winner. The competition will be from 6 to 8:30 pm at the Great Hall in Coffman Memorial Union at the University of Minnesota.
Last year’s champion, The Howe Daily Kitchen and Bar, will defend their title against four new competitors. La Cocina de Ana, Mill Valley Kitchen, and Trio Plant-Based may be familiar to you from the Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge. Lulu Ethio Vegan Cuisine is a fresh addition to the local culinary scene. Get to know them while refamiliarising yourself with the tasty talents of our other competitors. May the best chili win!
Meet Meet Nicola Philpott: CAA volunteer, advocate, and culinary enthusiast
January 29, 2024
Nicola’s activities with Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA) are many and varied. She moved back to the Twin Cities after 12 years in Michigan and, since then, has participated in many CAA events. First, she attended the July 4th Potluck and loved it so much that she decided to become more active with CAA. She also enjoyed the Twin Cities Vegan Bike Crawl, the Vegan Chef Challenge, Twin Cities VegFest, and the ThanksLiving Potluck.
When planning her move here, Nicola immediately searched for a veg fest. She found our Twin Cities VegFest and got excited to connect with CAA. Nicola credits CAA for ensuring the Twin Cities is a thriving vegan hub and appreciates its other fun community and volunteer events.
In her first volunteer role with CAA, she helped organize and serve a lunch at Simpson Housing Services. The event welcomed 25 people experiencing homelessness with a tasty plant-based meal. “It was so rewarding to see shelter guests enjoying our food!” said Nicola.
Nourishing whole foods | March 2024 | Vegan Recipe Club
January 23, 2024
Join the Vegan Recipe Club on March 19, from 6:30 to 7:30 to discuss recipes from the cookbook of the month: Plant Over Processed (2020) by Andrea Hannemann
If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make three recipes from popular cookbooks then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Registration not required.
The cookbook selection for this month is a national bestselling guide to plant-based eating that is simple, delicious and healthy, Plant Over Processed by Andrea Hannemann. The publisher describes the book this way: “Andrea Hannemann, known as Earthy Andy to her more than one million Instagram followers, believes that food is the fuel of life, and that consuming a nourishing, plant-based diet is the gateway to ultimate health. Andy’s mantra, “plant over processed,” embodies the way she eats and feeds her family of five.”
You may download the recipes using the link below.
Get involved, make a difference: Check out CAA’s upcoming volunteer opportunities
January 22, 2024
Are you looking to meet new friends and make a difference for animals and people? CAA has several cool options coming up. With so many opportunities, you can choose the ones that best suit your interests and availability. The best part? Every effort you make helps create a better world for farmed animals and humans alike!
Here are some upcoming events with exciting volunteer opportunities:
Handwrite Hope for Animals—January and February
Join us in writing postcards from the comfort of your own home. These postcards encourage people to sign a petition for cage-free legislation in Minnesota. Write as many cards as you want, whenever it suits your schedule.
Meet Pickles: A playful pig who found his new home at Farmaste Animal Sanctuary
January 22, 2024
We are delighted to share the heartwarming story of Pickles, a spirited 10-month-old Yorkshire Cross pig. He has recently found solace and companionship at Farmaste Animal Sanctuary.
Pickles came to Farmaste from a family who raised him for 4-H competitions for the first 10 months of his life. With his playful and friendly personality, he is adjusting well to sanctuary life. Integrating into a new herd, especially navigating the intricate pig hierarchy, can be challenging. Still, Pickles is determined to befriend Violet, another resident at Farmaste. He even sneaks into the house where Violet sleeps and quietly hangs out in there hoping she won’t be upset that he has disturbed her.
Pickles is a bundle of energy, finding joy in playing with his human friends and in simple delights like straw. An endearing quirk of his is cleaning rocks in his mouth. Farmaste is diligently working with him to drop the rocks when offered food, preventing any potential tooth damage.
Family-friendly recipes | February 2024 | Vegan Recipe Club
The cookbook selection for this month is Mayim’s Vegan Table (2014) by Mayim Bialik
January 15, 2024
Join us on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 to discuss recipes from Mayim’s Vegan Table. We will be meeting online (link below) from 6:30 – 7:30 pm Central time.
If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make three recipes from popular cookbooks then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Registration not required.
You may download the recipes using the link below if you want to prepare them in advance.
This cookbook, like many of them, features easy plant-based recipes that are tasty and healthy. This one is special in that it focuses on foods the whole family can enjoy. The publisher describes it this way:
Salads | January 2024 | Vegan Recipe Club
January 12, 2023
The January cookbook is Show up for Salad by Terry Hope Romero
Join us on Tuesday, January 16 to discuss recipes from Show up for Salad. We will be meeting online (link below) from 6:30 – 7:30 pm Central time.
If you are curious about vegan cooking, this club is for you! Each month participants make three recipes from popular cookbooks then share their reflections with the group. Novice to expert cooks are welcome, as are interested non-cooks. Registration not required. You may download the recipes using the link below if you want to cook them ahead of time.
The cookbook selection for January is perfect for those who may have made a new year’s resolution to eat healthier! Show Up For Salad is a book chock full of delicious and hearty vegan salads and dressings to tempt your tastebuds. The author describes it this way:
“Discover Your Own Salad Adventure: seek out a different kind of salad, and free your salad bowl from the predictable store-bought dressings and same old lettuce combinations. The savory chewy plant-based proteins, “cheesy” toppings without the dairy and endless leafy, veggie, crunchy bready, and fruity options you crave in a hearty, satisfying salad are all right here.”
Celebrate Veganuary with CAA’s 21-Day Explore Veg Challenge
January 8, 2023
Happy Veganuary! Step into the new year with a sense of purpose and compassion by exploring a move to a plant-based diet. Join us for our 21-Day Explore Veg Challenge, where you’ll receive a wealth of resources and support. From valuable tips and mouthwatering recipes to inspiring stories, we’re here to guide you on your journey. By the end of this challenge, you’ll realize how easy and tasty a plant-based diet can be!
Here’s what you will get when you sign up:
- A recipe and shopping guide
- 21 coaching emails
- Information on Twin Cities veg resources
- Support group access
- Individual support option
Even better, our program is FREE!
Why Have a Crate-Free Petition for Minnesota’s Farmed Animals?
There are many reasons to support a crate-free policy for Minnesota’s farmed animals. The majority of Minnesota farmed animals are raised on factory farms, also known as Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), and are treated terribly. These farms also harm Minnesota’s residents and water quality.
Together, we can change Minnesota’s policies and/or laws to improve conditions starting this year. Below are ways to take action as an individual or as an organization.
We encourage you to sign and support this crate-free petition for the reasons outlined below. This article also shares what practices towards animals, people, and the environment won’t change as a result of the changes this petition calls for.
Treatment of Minnesota’s Farmed Animals
The animals we raise for food have family relationships and basic needs just like all other animals, including humans!
Most Minnesotans want to see changes in how these animals are treated. The petition and legislation calls for these ideas:
- Mother pigs should not be put in crates/cages that prevent them from getting up while feeding their children.
- Chickens should not be forced to live in small battery cages where they are stuffed in with other chickens and cannot spread their wings.
- Baby calves should not be forced to live in tiny veal crates that they can only exit via a short rope staked to the ground.
Changes in these practices would end a great deal of suffering for the over 90 million animals raised for food in Minnesota. We urge you to sign this petition today.
Meet John Pierce: A valued volunteer with CAA
January 1, 2024
Get ready to be inspired by John Pierce, a passionate volunteer at CAA. John’s journey with CAA began at the 2023 Twin Cities Pride Festival, where he was captivated by the warm and welcoming volunteers at the CAA tent. As someone who cares deeply about animal well-being, John felt an instant connection with the organization.
In his role as a volunteer, John has actively contributed to various CAA events. He helped with vendor set-up at Twin Cities Veg Fest last year. In addition, John used his photography skills there to capture special moments, like the exciting opening ‘rope drop.’ He also participated in a workday at Chicken Run Rescue, demonstrating his commitment to hands-on involvement.